
Welcome to our blog post on “Flow & Flourish: From Basic Moves to Balanced Meals.” In this article, we will explore the connection between well-being and cooking behavior, as well as delve into Seligman’s PERMA+ model of well-being. We will also discuss how you can apply the PERMA model to create balanced meals that promote overall wellness. Additionally, we will provide information on workshops and resources that can help you enhance your well-being. So, let’s dive in and discover how embracing flow and flourishing can lead us towards a healthier and more fulfilling life!

Seligman’s PERMA+ Model Explained: A Theory of Wellbeing

Seligman’s PERMA+ model is a comprehensive theory of well-being that explores the key factors that contribute to a flourishing life. Developed by renowned psychologist Martin Seligman, this model goes beyond traditional notions of happiness and delves into the deeper aspects of human thriving.

PERMA stands for Positive Emotion, Engagement, positive Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishments/Achievements. These five elements are considered essential for overall well-being and fulfillment. Additionally, the “+” in PERMA+ represents three additional components: Optimism, Physical activity, and Nutrition – which further enhance our ability to live a balanced and healthy life.

Positive Emotion encompasses experiencing joy, gratitude, love, and other positive emotions on a regular basis. Engagement refers to being fully absorbed in activities that challenge us and provide a sense of flow. Positive Relationships emphasize the importance of meaningful connections with others as fundamental to our well-being.

Meaning involves finding purpose and significance in what we do – understanding how our actions align with our values. Accomplishments/Achievements highlight the importance of setting goals and working towards them as an integral part of personal growth.

Optimism encourages maintaining a positive outlook on life despite challenges or setbacks. Regular Physical activity promotes physical health while also boosting mood and mental clarity. Nutrition emphasizes the role that healthy eating plays in fueling both our bodies and minds.

By understanding these elements within Seligman’s PERMA+ model framework , we can apply them to various areas of our lives – including cooking behavior – to promote overall well-being .

The Connection Between Well-Being and Cooking Behavior

Introduction to Cooking Behavior:

Cooking behavior is not just about the act of preparing food; it encompasses a wide range of activities related to meal planning, grocery shopping, and even the social aspects of sharing meals with others. In recent years, there has been growing interest in understanding how cooking behavior influences overall well-being.

Modern Perceptions of Cooking:

In today’s fast-paced society, many people view cooking as a chore or an inconvenience. With the rise of convenience foods and takeout options, home-cooked meals have become less common. However, research suggests that engaging in cooking behavior can have profound effects on well-being.

Exploring the PERMA Model:

According to Seligman’s PERMA+ model of well-being, there are five key elements that contribute to flourishing: positive emotion (P), engagement (E), positive relationships (R), meaning (M), and accomplishments/achievements (A). Let’s explore how these elements relate to cooking behavior.

Positive Emotion:

Engaging in cooking can elicit positive emotions such as joy and satisfaction. The process of creating something delicious from scratch can be incredibly rewarding and boost one’s mood.


When we cook, our attention is fully focused on the task at hand. This state of flow allows us to be present in the moment and experience a sense of deep engagement with our actions.

Positive Relationships:

Cooking often involves sharing meals with family or friends. These shared experiences create opportunities for bonding and strengthening relationships.


Preparing homemade meals gives us a sense of purpose and fulfillment. It allows us to nourish ourselves and those we care about while also connecting with our cultural heritage or personal values.


Successfully executing a recipe or trying out new culinary techniques can give us a sense of accomplishment. Each time we prepare a meal, we build confidence in our abilities.

Introduction to Cooking Behavior

Cooking behavior refers to the actions and behaviors associated with preparing and making meals. It encompasses a wide range of activities, from selecting ingredients and following recipes to chopping, sautéing, baking, and plating dishes. In recent years, cooking behavior has gained significant attention due to its potential impact on overall well-being.

Historically, cooking was considered a basic survival skill necessary for sustenance. However, in today’s fast-paced society, where convenience foods abound and takeout options are readily available, the perception of cooking has changed. Many individuals now view it as a hobby or an opportunity for self-expression rather than a mundane chore.

Engaging in cooking behavior can have numerous benefits for mental health and well-being. Research suggests that preparing homemade meals can promote feelings of accomplishment and self-efficacy while fostering positive relationships with family members or friends who may be involved in the process. Additionally, the act of cooking can enhance mindfulness and provide a sense of purpose as individuals focus their attention on creating nourishing meals.

Modern Perceptions of Cooking

In recent years, our perception of cooking has undergone a significant transformation. Once seen as a chore or a task to be delegated, cooking is now being recognized as an essential life skill and a form of self-expression. With the rise of celebrity chefs and food-focused media, cooking has become trendy and culturally relevant.

One key factor contributing to this shift in perception is the emphasis on health and wellness. As people become more conscious about what they put into their bodies, there’s been a renewed interest in home-cooked meals made from fresh ingredients. Cooking allows individuals to have control over their diet, ensuring that they consume nutritious foods free from additives or preservatives.

Additionally, social media platforms like Instagram have played a significant role in shaping modern perceptions of cooking. Food bloggers and influencers showcase visually stunning dishes that inspire others to experiment with flavors and presentation techniques. Through these platforms, cooking has become an art form – an opportunity for individuals to unleash their creativity in the kitchen.

Furthermore, the convenience culture prevalent today has also influenced our perceptions of cooking. With ready-made meals available at every corner store and delivery apps offering quick fixes for hunger pangs, many perceive cooking as unnecessary or time-consuming. However, this mindset fails to recognize the joy and satisfaction that comes from preparing your own meal from scratch.

In conclusion (but not concluding), modern perceptions of cooking have evolved beyond mere sustenance into something much richer – a means for self-care, creativity expression, and connection with others through shared meals. By embracing these new perspectives on cooking behavior we can experience greater well-being in our everyday lives.

Exploring the PERMA Model

The PERMA model, developed by renowned psychologist Martin Seligman, is a theory of well-being that encompasses five key elements: positive emotion, engagement, positive relationships, meaning, and accomplishments. Each element plays an essential role in promoting overall flourishing and life satisfaction.

Positive emotion refers to experiencing happiness, joy, and other positive emotions on a regular basis. Engaging in activities that bring us pleasure and fulfillment can help cultivate these positive emotions.

Engagement involves immersing ourselves fully in activities that challenge our skills and provide a sense of flow. When we are engaged in what we do, time seems to fly by as we experience deep concentration and enjoyment.

Positive relationships emphasize the importance of connecting with others and fostering meaningful connections. Building strong social connections contributes significantly to our overall well-being.

Meaning pertains to finding purpose and significance in our lives. Understanding our values, goals, and beliefs helps us establish a sense of meaning beyond individual pursuits.

Accomplishments or achievements focus on setting goals and working towards them. The process of achieving milestones provides a sense of competence, self-efficacy,and boosts self-esteem.

By exploring each element within the PERMA model individually while also understanding their interconnectedness,
we can gain insights into how they contribute to our overall well-being.

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